Non-Diet Yogi

Ep 15: Wellness Capitalism: Essential Oil MLMs, Whitewashed Herbalism & "Naturopreneurs" with Katya Weiss-Andersson

September 09, 2020 Casey Conroy, Katya Weiss-Andersson Episode 15

It's time we explored capitalism in it’s indiscriminately elderberry syrup guzzling, MLM essential oil dowsed, $400 supplement protocol pushing form: Wellness Capitalism. 

In this episode:

  • The value of healthy skepticism, and where Katya's comes from
  • How capitalism takes holistic healthcare - which was traditionally accessible, deeply contextual and collectively empowering - and warps this to make it inaccessible, commodified and whitewashed
  • The trouble with smudging
  • Cultivating a relationship with the plants you use in your healing
  • Essential oils: would a simple tea do? Plus oral ingestion, COVID "cures", and MLMs
  • One-size-fits-all herbalism versus constitutional herbal traditions such as Ayurveda and TCM
  • Over harvesting of medicinal herbs and "superfoods"
  • "Naturopreneurs", supplement-heavy protocols, and Tony Robbins
  • Disease mongering in holistic wellness
  • Finding a practitioner who will help, not harm
  • Katya's recovery from anorexia nervosa and PTSD, and how lived experiences with disordered eating can make us better practitioners
  • Astrology, tarot and the truth about cusps!

Katya's website, Instagram, and her podcasts: Kumbaya Confessional and Queer Wellness
The Dream: a podcast exposing the dangers of multi-level marketing
Food Empowerment Project: a resource to help others recognise the power of their food choices

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