Non-Diet Yogi
Non-Diet Yogi
Ep 19. Welcome back! Personal reflections on a challenging year
In this episode I share why this podcast went quiet in the past year. I discuss divorce, compassion & critical thinking, and working as a holistic health practitioner in communities burdened by COVID misinformation. It contains a lot of personal details and reflections. If that's not your thing, no worries - scroll on.
02:30 On being a "muscles and bones" yoga teacher instead of a philosophising one
05:40 Prajna and critical analysis as ways of inner knowing
11:33 The place of compassion in reducing COVID transmission
16:13 Moving through separation and divorce
18:40 Career changes to make ends meet
21:20 Working as a holistic health practitioner in communities burdened by COVID conspiracy theory and medical misinformation
26:14 Vaccines and naturopathic medicine principles
31:32 The value of combining compassion with analytical reasoning
42:37 How this podcast will evolve
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Funky Forest Health & Wellbeing - online non-diet nutrition consulting services and in-person yoga classes
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@nondietyogi https://www.instagram.com/nondietyogi/
@funky.forest.health https://www.instagram.com/funky.forest.health/
Dr. Dan Wilson, PhD: A compassionate case for COVID vaccination: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-KdEgh4Ps8
Max Cohen, ND: Are vaccines consistent with naturopathic medicine?
Pennycook, Gordon. (2019). Who falls for fake news? The roles of bullshit receptivity, overclaiming, familiarity, and analytic thinking. Journal of Personality. 88. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jopy.12476