Non-Diet Yogi
Non-Diet Yogi
Ep 21. Cognitive Inoculation & Aromatherapy During the Pandemic, with Salvatore Battaglia
Yes, we can hold both conventional and natural medicine in the same hand. Yes, we can work with traditional wisdom philosophies, whilst using modern science to provide cognitive inoculation against COVID disinformation. And we can do it all whilst staying heart-centred. Salvatore Battaglia, founder of Perfect Potion speaks about true integrative medicine in the time of the pandemic.
10:10 Sal’s journey from electrical engineer to aromatherapist, and how martial arts brought him to traditional Chinese medicine
17:16 How Sal integrates traditional wisdom with modern science
22:25 Holism in aromatherapy and the demand for standardisation
23:50 How neurobiology and neurotheology help us understand how aromatherapy affects us at a subtle level
25:45 The role of holistic health practitioners during the pandemic
28:47 Using essential oils, taking herbs, and getting vaccinated can all go together
29:33 Vaccination as a holistic approach to building acquired immunity
30:00 Understanding vaccine hesitancy
37:00 Providing cognitive inoculation against COVID disinformation whilst maintaining compassion
39:00 The psychological and spiritual aspects of healing
44:01 Vaccine mandates vs. taking the time to invite people into a conversation
46:33 MLM essential oil COVID claims
53:00 Important differences between essential oils and herbal medicine preparations
56:55 Aromatherapy, anosmia and COVID-19
1:00:03 The misappropriation of indigenous knowledge and shamanic practices within the holistic health and yoga communities
1:06:00 Yoga, Jung, Freud and holistic spirituality
1:08:12 Lessons from Julian of Norwich, a 14th century female mystic who lived during a pandemic
RESOURCES mentioned:
Sal's webinar on Julian of Norwich: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwnE5XC3ue4&t=2660s
The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy Third Edition Vol III - Psyche & Subtle: https://salvatorebattaglia.com.au/books
Support the pod! BONUS episodes and exclusive goodies for subscribers:
Sal's website: https://salvatorebattaglia.com.au/
Sal's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/salbattagliablog
Sal's Instagram: @salbattagliaaroma https://www.instagram.com/salbattagliaaroma/
Perfect Potion on Instagram: @perfectpotion https://www.instagram.com/perfectpotion/
Casey's website: https://www.funkyforest.com.au
Casey's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/funkyforesthealth
Casey's Instagram: @funky.forest.health https://www.instagram.com/funky.forest.health/
Non-Diet Yogi Instagram: @nondietyogi https://www.instagram.com/nondietyogi/
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